Financial Markets Forecast – Seventy Years Cycle

Financial Markets Are Due for Correction – Part III

I commence with my gratitude to The Ultimate All-Knower

W.D. Gann, who is considered to have pioneered the wave of pursuit of knowledge about the time cycles, as it relates to the Financial Markets. He infers to many long term time cycle, including but not limited to, 60, 70, 90 years cycles.

It can be interpretted in two ways, in my opinion.
For example, one way to look for a CIT or reversal at, 70 years from a Major top and bottom of the market. Another interpretation, I hold is that look for what occurred 70 years ago. Therefore, I went back and look at the 1941. The market energy prior to 1941, looks similar to the our current market has gone through in terms of waves of energy. If that postulation is true, then, I ought to be watching these time cycles noted in the chart attached herein. I cannot explain, why, I think that market might be following this picture shown in the chart, if not exactly the same, then time cycles noted here would bear great importance in the future.
That means, that we are ready for some correction NOW!


4 thoughts on “Financial Markets Forecast – Seventy Years Cycle”

  1. how to read this chart ?

    this would mean that on 7/25-08/01 we will get a top of rally that started in 2009 ?

    then bottom in april 2012 and beginning of the new bull market ?

    this seems pretty unlikely (i mean second leg of bear market lasting only from august to april, only 9 months)

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